

“There is no other organization, center, or space like this in the world.

I have been a professional drug policy reform advocate for nearly a decade. I have lobbied Congress and state legislatures, been quoted in national newspapers, and drafted model legislation. The Asian American Drug War Healing Circle is the first and only group in which my personal experience with drugs has been genuinely understood, validated, and valued.

Frances and Rhana intentionally and thoughtfully create a space where participants can be vulnerable, as necessary for healing.

The educational component makes clear the connection between colonialism, capitalism, generational trauma, and the War on Drugs.”

- Rachelle, Drug War Healing Circle Participant


“Understanding the science of addiction was eye-opening, and removed a lot of the stigma and shame associated with drug addiction/use.  Rhana's weekly peer group discussions helped my son reconnect with his peers, and rebuilt his self-worth by opening his eyes to the power he has over his choices and future. A traditional punishment based program does not provide this growth.  Our son has benefited and grown tremendously thru his interactions with Rhana, and sees a future of opportunity ahead where there was only shame and struggle before.”

- Parent of OUSD High School Youth 


“It was excellent to work with energetic and ambitious educators eager to educate, collaborate, and learn. At every class, I felt the lessons improved a bit, based on feedback that was received along the way and the ability of the facilitators to adjust. My favorite message was when Frances said: “I wouldn’t change any of my lived experiences, because that is what made me who I am. However, I regret the harm and stress that my drug use caused to the people I love, and that isn’t something I can take back.”

- Sean, 11th Grade teacher